The world is a confusing place right now. We believe that faithful proclamation of the gospel is what our hostile and disoriented world needs. Do you believe that too? Help TGC bring biblical wisdom to the confusing issues across the world by making a gift to our international work.
Tasha started teaching education courses and mentoring women at Covenant Seminary in 2002. Since then she has served with staff teams for Distance Education, Student Life, international students, the Doctor of Ministry program, the Center for Ministry Leadership, and Academic Administration.
Previous to coming to Covenant, she worked in campus ministry and then directed women’s ministry in a local church. She views educational ministry as the lifelong process of growing toward maturity in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit with the body of Christ. Her courses study relevant applications of current educational research, learning theories, and methods that can strengthen our ministries. Her current consulting and research focuses on leadership and self-stewardship in ministry, cross-cultural learning, and instructional and curriculum design. She co-authored Resilient Ministry: What Pastors Told Us About Surviving and Thriving (IVP, 2013) and contributed to the ESV Women’s Devotional Bible(Crossway, 2014).
Tasha is married to the other Dr. Chapman at the seminary. They have two young adult daughters, who try to keep them media literate. She particularly enjoys hiking and cooking and eating ethnic foods, having never met a chili pepper she didn’t like.
How children and adolescents learn and grow in different domains; implications of the stages of cognitive development; Larry Kohlberg’s theory of moral development; William Perry’s Scheme of Cognitive and Ethical Development.