Asking the Right Questions

Experience the Joy of Being Transformed by God’s Word

A lecture series by Matthew Harmon


We all know that we should read our Bibles—yet at times we struggle with knowing exactly how, no matter how long we’ve followed Jesus. In this lecture series, Matthew Harmon walks us through two simple sets of questions to ask every time we open our Bibles:

Understanding the Bible:

  1. What do we learn about God?
  2. What do we learn about people?
  3. What do we learn about relating to God?
  4. What do we learn about relating to others?

Applying the Bible:

  1. What does God want me to understand?
  2. What does God want me to believe?
  3. What does God want me to desire?
  4. What does God want me to do?
Course Overview

Chapter 1
About the Author

Matthew S. Harmon

Matthew S. Harmon (PhD, Wheaton College) is professor of New Testament Studies at Grace College and Theological Seminary in Winona Lake, Indiana. He was previously on staff with Cru for eight years and is the author of numerous books, including commentaries on Galatians, Philippians, 2 Peter, and Jude. He also cohosts the Various and Sundry podcast. Matthew and his wife, Kate, live in Warsaw, Indiana, and have two sons.

Session 1: Laying the Foundation

In this session, Professor Harmon discusses the foundation of understanding the Bible and explores challenges that people face when reading and applying the Bible to their lives. He also encourages us to approach Bible study with a posture of readiness to hear from God.

Session 2: The Story We Find Ourselves In

In this session, Professor Harmon argues that understanding the overall story of the Bible is crucial to comprehending the individual stories within it.


Read Chapter 1

Session 3: The Bible is God's Tool to Change Us

In this session, Professor Harmon tells us that the Bible is God’s tool to change and transform individuals. He emphasizes that the Bible is not just a source of information, but a revelation that points towards perfection and transforms us as individuals.


Read Chapter 2

Session 4: Reading the Bible as Jesus Did

In this session, Professor Harmon offers guiding principles for reading the Bible in a way that points to Christ. He emphasizes the importance of praying for the Spirit to open our eyes to see the beauty of Jesus and our need for Him.


Read Chapter 3

Session 5: Four Foundational Questions

In this session, Professor Harmon uncovers four foundational questions for studying the Bible. He argues that the goal of studying the Bible is to see the beauty of Christ and be transformed by seeing him.


Read Chapter 5

Session 6: Using the Four Foundational Questions

In this session, Professor Harmon discusses how to use the four foundational questions for studying and applying the Bible.

Session 7: The Gospel Pattern of Life

In this session, Professor Harmon focuses on the gospel pattern of life, which involves the continuous rhythm of repentance and faith. He emphasizes that embracing this patter takes time and practice, but it is worth pursuing.


Read Chapter 6

Session 8: The Fallen Condition

In this session, Professor Harmon explores the fallen condition of humanity.


Read Chapter 7

Session 9: The Gospel Solution

In this session, Professor Harmon discusses the gospel solution to our fallen condition.


Read Chapter 8

Session 10: Four Foundational Questions for Application

In this session, Professor Harmon advises us to use the four foundational questions efficiently when making applications to our lives.


Read Chapter 9

Session 11: Final Cautions and Encouragements

In this session, Professor Harmon discusses the danger of interpretation without application in biblical study. He also reminds us that the ultimate goal of studying the Bible is to grow in our love for God and others and to become more like Christ in our daily lives.


Read Chapter 10