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Rev. Dr. Vern Poythress (PhD, Harvard; DTh, Stellenbosch) is professor of New Testament interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary, where he has taught for 39 years, and is editor of the Westminster Theological Journal.
Dr. Poythress’s academic interests include how Christianity and the Trinitarian nature of God impact all areas of life. He has also spent much of his career studying and teaching biblical interpretation and hermeneutics. For those who are new to Dr. Poythress’s writing and teaching on these interests, he recommends several resources as places to start. Regarding Christianity in relationship to all areas of life, consider his books Redeeming Science, Redeeming Philosophy, or Chance and the Sovereignty of God. A related book is In the Beginning Was the Word, which looks at the Trinitarian foundations for language. Another recent publication in this area is Redeeming Mathematics; consider both his interview on the book and blog on the topic.