An Overview of the Covenantal Structure of Biblical Revelation, and How Concepts of Kingdom, Covenant, and Mediator Unify the Scriptures
An Overview of the Covenantal Structure of Biblical Revelation, and How Concepts of Kingdom, Covenant, and Mediator Unify the Scriptures
Defining and structurally outlining an approach to biblical theology.
Developing a biblical theology around three key themes of kingdom, covenant, and mediator.
Overview of pre-redemptive and redemptive revelation; understanding creation and its relationship to covenant.
Final observations on creation and covenant; implications of the Fall, protoevangelium, and Noahic Covenant.
Introduction to Abraham and analysis of covenant themes in Genesis 12, 15, 17.
Concluding observations on Abraham; continuity of covenants with Isaac and Jacob.
The call of Moses and his role as mediator for the people.
Evaluation of key passages in Exodus (19, 20-24, 32-34); aspects of theocratic governance in Exodus.
Leviticus and Numbers 1-20
Numbers 21-36 and Deuteronomy
Evaluating Israel during this period in light of their covenant with God.
A focus on the lives of Ruth and Samuel in the context of their covenant relationship with God.
How the covenant was established and worked out through David’s life and reign.
Evaluating Solomon and the Davidic line of kings in the context of the covenant.
The role of the prophets in God’s covenant relationship with His wayward people.
A focus on Micah and Isaiah's roles as prophets to Judah.
An overview of the role of Jeremiah in the context of God's covenant with the nation, with emphasis on key chapters in the book (2, 11, 23, 31, 33).
Evaluating the kingdom and covenant roles of the exilic prophets Daniel and Ezekiel.
A focus on the contributions of Esther, Ezra, and Nehemiah.
A focus on the contributions of Daniel, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
Introduction to New Testament biblical theology.
Tracing key themes in the life and ministry of Jesus and connecting them with the key Old Testament themes.
Examining the unique portrayal of Christ in John's gospel and how it contributes to the concepts of kingdom, covenant, and mediator.
Tracing the three concepts of the "Golden Cable" through the book of Acts.
Understanding Paul’s theology in the context of kingdom, covenant, and mediator.
Examining the concepts of kingdom, covenant, and mediator in the non-Pauline epistles.