
Best Commentaries on Galatians

In Galatians, we see Paul answering a key question: How does God save ethnic Jews and Gentiles? The group of churches in Galatia struggled to understand how Christ fulfills the Mosaic Law because ethnically Jewish Christians imposed the practice of circumcision (Gal. 5:2–3) on Gentile believers. Paul responds to the foolish Galatians’ skewed view of the works of the law by asking the church, “Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?” (Gal. 3:2–3).

In this letter, Paul makes clear. All people, regardless of their ethnicity, can only be made right before God through faith in Christ, not by trusting human performance or human traditions (Gal. 2:16). Christ’s death on the cross on behalf of sinners is God’s sole provision for our sin against him. Trust in Christ is the only way for us to be accepted by God as full members of his family. Since God fulfilled all his promises to Israel in Christ, Christians—God’s adopted children—are rightful heirs to the promise of blessing (Gal. 4:7) and the Spirit of freedom (Gal. 5:13).

Here are our top picks for commentaries on Galatians.

Introductory Commentaries

For Sunday school teachers and small group leaders without advanced training

Galatians for You

Timothy Keller
God’s Word for You
The Good Book Company, 2013

In this expository Bible study guide to Galatians, Keller explains the letter’s background, the text’s meaning, and the book’s theology in an accessible way. Whether used for personal devotions or as a resource for teaching, readers will appreciate Keller’s close attention to the text and his trademark gift for clear and insightful explanation.

The Message of Galatians

John Stott
The Bible Speaks Today Series
IVP Academic, 2021

Stott’s commentaries are consistently helpful for those doing Bible studies, leading small groups, and teaching Sunday school. This volume is a good resource for any reader ready to go beyond the notes in a study Bible. Stott does a masterful job of combining exposition, sound theology, and careful application in a way that’s accessible and engaging—highly recommended!

Preaching Commentaries

For pastors and Bible teachers preparing to proclaim the Word


Timothy George
Christian Standard Commentary
Holman Bible Publishers, 2020

George’s revised commentary is a helpful work, targeted for the mid-level range. He writes clearly and identifies key historical factors to situate readers within the interpretive discussion. George considers recent scholarship but focuses on exegetical and theological concerns. He offers sound interpretive decisions with practical application

Interpreting Galatians

Moisés Silva
Explorations in Exegetical Method
Baker Publishing Group, 2001

Silva does a fine job digesting academic scholarship on Galatians (and Pauline theology more generally) for the expositor in a way that’s clear and concise. He serves the preacher with his sensitivity to exegetical, biblical-theological, and systematic-theological concerns.


Frank Thielman
ESV Expository Commentary
Crossway, 2020

Building on his years of scholarship and teaching the New Testament (and Paul in particular), Thielman leads readers through all the introductory, exegetical, and theological facets of Galatians needed for faithful exposition.


Jarvis J. Williams
New Covenant Commentary Series
Cascade Books, 2020

Williams’ outstanding commentary makes Galatians accessible to the ordinary reader. He converses with the ancient world from which Galatians was born and modern discussions of the letter. Readers will profit from his careful exegesis, understanding of Paul’s theology, and contemporary application.

Scholarly Commentaries

For pastors and theologians proficient in biblical Greek


A. Andrew Das
Concordia Commentary
Concordia, 2014

Written from a confessional Lutheran perspective, Das interacts with positions from the New Perspective on Paul, presenting a reasonable way to reconcile the diverse opinions on the letter. Das also focuses on the Galatian Christians’ understanding of the relationship between the Old and New Testaments, and he illuminates how the contemporary church can learn from the early church’s theological questions.


Matthew S. Harmon
Evangelical Biblical Theology Commentary
Lexham Academic, 2021

This commentary traces the argument of Paul’s most polemic letter with detail and rigor. Harmon plumbs Galatians’ theological depth, showing Paul’s defense of how history and Scripture must be interpreted in light of Christ’s arrival. Readers searching for assistance on Greek formulations, historical matters, the structure of Paul’s argumentation, exegetical details, and theological emphases will find it all in this volume.

Galatians: A Commentary

Craig S. Keener
Baker Academic, 2019

When it comes to detailed information on the historical, cultural, and social context of Galatians, Keener’s work is unparalleled. His work enables the pastor and scholar to better understand these crucial contexts.


Douglas J. Moo
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
Baker Academic, 2013

Moo’s line-by-line exposition blends careful attention to the details of the Greek text with thoughtful theological reflection. His extensive and nuanced engagement with a wide range of scholarship on Galatians provides a helpful window into the wide range of interpretive issues in the letter.


Thomas R. Schreiner
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary
Zondervan Academic, 2010

A prime example of how to write a commentary that will serve both pastors and scholars. This commentary engages the grammar, syntax, and rhetorical structure of the Greek text and helps readers to see Galatians in light of Paul’s broader theology. Schreiner also fully engages the critical debates about Galatians’ historical and contemporary significance. As Carson says, “It is simply written but enables pastors and students to see what the exegetical options are and to work through the Greek text without too much technical detail.