an international journal for students of theological and religious studies
- April 2024
Featured Articles
What Republicanism Is This? An Introduction to Christian Republicanism (1776–1865)
by Obbie Tyler ToddWhile the term “Christian republicanism” is known to most historians of the early republic, very few have attempted to explicate its unique theology or to identify its various religious, moral, and even racial permutations in the church...
Swimming in a Sanctimonious Sea of Subjectivity: A Proposal for Christian Authenticity in a Made-Up World
by Robert GoldingThere is a curious tendency in modern culture to simultaneously reject objective truth (e...
Editorial: Announcing the Carson Center for Theological Renewal
by Brian J. Tabb and Benjamin L. Gladd
A Change in Kind, Not Degree: Labels, Identity, and an Evaluation of “Baptistic Congregationalists”
by Nathan ShermanHow do we decide what to label people of centuries past when they had no clear labels for themselves? Should we describe seventeenth century Baptists as “Baptists” if that was not what they called themselves? Matthew Bingham has recently argued that instead of using the label “Particular Baptists” for the English Calvinistic Baptists of the 1640s and 50s, historians would more clearly describe their subjects as “baptistic congregationalists...
Filial Revelation and Filial Responsibility: (Dis)obedient Sonship and The Religious Leaders in Matthew 11–16
by Adam FriendSonship appears in every section, at every turning point, and on the lips of every character in Matthew’s Gospel...
This paper articulates a provisional thesis, namely, that we need a pedagogical category within our biblical theological frameworks, on the basis that such a category was in the New Testament authors’ minds...
Scholars disagree about the precise nature of the sin that provokes God’s wrath in Genesis 19...
What Republicanism Is This? An Introduction to Christian Republicanism (1776–1865)
by Obbie Tyler ToddWhile the term “Christian republicanism” is known to most historians of the early republic, very few have attempted to explicate its unique theology or to identify its various religious, moral, and even racial permutations in the church...
Swimming in a Sanctimonious Sea of Subjectivity: A Proposal for Christian Authenticity in a Made-Up World
by Robert GoldingThere is a curious tendency in modern culture to simultaneously reject objective truth (e...
The importance of justification by faith to the thinking of John Wesley (1703–1791) both during and after his Aldersgate Street experience in May 1738 has long been doubted by some Wesley scholars...
The House Divided: An Assessment of the American Neo-Evangelicals’ Doctrine of Scripture
by Ryan ReedCarl F. H. Henry, Harold Lindsell, and Bernard Ramm represent three of the most formative voices within the neo-evangelical movement in America...
“Salvation Without Spin”: How the Gospel of Christ Subversively Fulfills the Prayer Wheels of Tibetan Buddhism
by Luke JohnsonWith present calls for inter-religious dialogue, Christianity must relate to major world religions in specific ways to distinguish its uniqueness in belief and practice...
The Spiritual Utility of Calvin’s Correspondence during the Strasbourg Years
by Christopher OsterbrockCalvin’s letters are no mere collection of personal correspondence but served him in his lifelong spiritual formation...
Traditionally the discipline of New Testament studies has not been welcoming to a Trinitarian understanding of God...
This article argues that much of the controversy surrounding gender in Bible translation is unnecessary...