Evangelism is proclaiming the Gospel – the good news about Jesus Christ which is God’s power to save all who believe it and turn from sin to follow him.
This article explains what ‘Evangelism’ is and explores the enduring Biblical message, motives and methods for its practice in every age and culture. Jesus himself was an ‘Evangelist’ who called his followers to learn how to ‘evangelize’. His Apostles provide us with clear instructions about the message, motives and methods of evangelism in every age and culture. Within these enduring guidelines, Christians and Churches will explore a wide variety of ‘evangelistic’ initiatives that prove effective in different contexts. ‘Evangelism’ is both a thrilling privilege and the urgent priority of God’s people. Because it is God’s mission for which he has delayed the end of the world, it obeys the ‘great commission’ of Jesus to make disciples of all nations, and it is the means by which the Holy Spirit draws all who are chosen for salvation from the horrors of hell into the happiness of heaven, to the glory of God forever.
Evangelism in a Skeptical World
Equipping Christians with the Principles and Skills to Tell the Unbelievable News about Jesus to Friends in a Skeptical World
Recommended Reading
How Evangelism Works in a Post-Christian Culture
Joshua Ryan Butler says that engaging the secular culture should lean on the power of hospitality, prayer, and individual converts.
How Can the Arts Aid in Evangelism?
In this video, Thomas Terry explains how people approach truth and the role of beauty in communicating the story of the gospel.
Tim Keller on Changing the Culture without Being Colonized by It
Tim Keller suggests that the danger of the post-Christian culture is that it has co-opted Christian ideas and taken them to an extreme.
Al Mohler on Confronting the Culture Winsomely Yet Subversively
Al Mohler claims engaging the culture on matters of sexual freedom is complicated because they have redefined “happy”, “gracious”, and “friendly.”
How Your Church Can Grow in Evangelism
Three pastors who have welcomed many new believers into the kingdom of God talk together in this 10-minute video about how churches can grow in evangelism.
Where Does Evangelism Fit on Sunday Morning?
Five values that could revolutionize your worship service.
How to Share Christ in a Workplace Where You’re Not Supposed to Discuss Him
Service isn’t always doing more; it’s embodying the posture of Jesus.
4 Lies That Hinder College Evangelism
If you want to see your classmates, teammates, and friends come to know Christ, you likely have a role in their story.
Few American Teens Share the Gospel. Here’s How to Help Them.
Showing a teen how simple it is to share the gospel can help them overcome hesitancy.
3 Overlooked Ways to Do Pre-Evangelism
Most of us need another strategy to reach unsaved people around us.
Evangelism Is Not a Solo Sport
Partnerships, not personality, produce effectiveness in sharing the good news.
Book Reviews
Honest Evangelism
I couldn’t be more excited about this hard-hitting, honest book on personal evangelism.
Ambassadors Are Exiles on Purpose
Being an exile in our society opens up our ability to see ourselves as ambassadors—purposeful exiles—to our culture.
The Secret to Faithful Evangelism Today
A book this encouraging and convicting is a must-have for pastors to read and give away liberally.
What Unlikely Converts Can Teach Us About Evangelism (and Ourselves)
The gospel is for everyone. And the task of evangelism includes every Christian—even those you’d least expect.
Don’t Just Wait for Gospel Opportunities
Speaking the gospel doesn’t have to be so dreadful.
Share Your Faith in a Skeptical World
What does alternative medicine have to do with evangelism?
Disruptive Witness for a Distracted Age
Distracted consumerism has complicated evangelism in Western culture.
Share Your House Key to Win Your Neighbors
Rosaria Butterfield’s new book is both a theology of hospitality and a practical how-to brimming with stories.
The Best Starting Point for Witnessing to Jewish People
There’s no better starting point for preparing to share the gospel with Jewish people than this excellent guide.
Friendship Evangelism Is Not Dehumanizing
Love wants its friends to live eternally. Anything less is not love.