Church Discipline
Church discipline is the process of correcting sin in the life of the congregation and its members.
Church discipline typically starts privately and informally, growing to include the whole church only when necessary. In its final, formal, and public stage, church discipline involves removing someone from membership in the church and participation in the Lord’s Table. The goal of discipline is always redemption (1Cor. 5:4), protecting other sheep (v. 6), and honoring the name of Christ (v. 1).
How Should a Church Handle Accusations against an Elder?
Every elder is a sinner in constant need of divine grace and gospel application.
When Church Discipline Goes Really Public
After a church in Texas parted ways with a member over his decision to maintain a homosexual lifestyle, the media picked up the story. Here’s the story behind the story.
They Excommunicated My Dad
Church discipline is painful, but it's good—even when it happens to your dad.
Should Your Church Discipline a Pro-Choice Member?
How should churches respond to pro-choice members—and why.
A Sample Statement on Regular Church Attendance
Faithful church attendance honors Christ and builds up his church. Non-attendance moves in the other direction. It makes light of his name and harms his church.
Spare the Rod, Spoil the Church
Humility keeps the process of church discipline within the purview of love.
Discipline: Grace for the Offended
“I believe the process of church discipline saved my life. When my marriage unexpectedly fell apart, my church held up the gospel before my eyes through the process of church discipline. When my wife abandoned me, my elders didn’t.” This is the testimony of a man whose wife committed adultery and then left him. The tale, like all stories of broken marriages, is deeply grieving. “I had been left without reason by a woman who no longer regarded the teachings of Scripture on marriage.” To this day she has not returned. The marriage is over, and she has been excommunicated...
When a Pastor Falls
The allegations against Bishop Eddie Long are horrifying and disgraceful, but not necessarily shocking. Unfortunately, many well known Christian leaders of large ministries have stepped outside of their marriages into sexual immorality. Even more unfortunately, we African Americans often excuse our morally failing leaders as people who are mere men or victims of white conspiracies. But sinners are not victims; they are perpetrators who make choices. Certainly the allegations against Long, if found to be truthful, sadden me and cause me to seek the Lord for more mercy and grace upon my own soul: “Lord, lead me not into temptation...
Book Reviews
Those Who Must Give an Account
Pastors will give an account to God for the people under their care.
The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love
The love of God, Leeman reminds us, is not centered around us, but on himself and his holiness.