Medieval Church
Not all theologians of the Medieval period are to be praised; nevertheless, common to all was a desire to rightly orient all of life to God in Christ.
To ignore medieval theology is, however, to ignore wisdom. Indeed, how can we hold the Reformers in such high esteem on the one hand, while on the other hand ignore the fact that they relied heavily on their medieval forebears for insight, understanding and truth? The Reformers, along with the church Fathers, are profitable for teaching and training in righteousness, but so too are the works of those called by the Lord to lead the church in Europe after Augustine and before Luther. What, then, are the major contours of medieval theology that deserve attention?
The Medieval Church
A Detailed Exploration of the Theology and Philosophy of Major Thinkers in the Medieval Church
History of the Middle Ages
Summary of Key Events and Introduction to Important Figures in the Church and Broader Culture of the Middle Ages
Scholastics & Doctors of the Middle Ages
An Overview of the Life, Thought, and Impact of Anselm, Abelard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Aquinas, Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham
The Theological Method of Thomas Aquinas: A Critique
An Analysis and Critique of Aquinas’s Foundation of Knowledge and Foundation of Being
Can the Roman Catholic Church Survive Two Popes?
If this situation remains unresolved, it will be the end of Roman Catholicism as it stands.
9 Things You Should Know About Notre Dame Cathedral
More than 400 French firefighters are attempting to save Notre Dame cathedral from a devastating fire. Here are nine things you should know about the iconic religious landmark.
Infographic: medieval view of salvation
An Infographic telling the medieval view of salvation.
Debatable: Was President Obama Right About the Crusades?
At the National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama asserted the moral equivalence of Christianity and radical Islam based, in part, on the Crusades. Was he right? Here's what a number of Christians had to say.
Book Reviews
You Can Learn from Medieval Christians
The best appropriation of medieval wisdom should not just listen humbly to what’s helpful, but also plainly identify what’s eccentric.
The Roots of the Reformation
What happened at the Reformation? What did it reform?
Let’s Retrieve Good Theology—and Not Start with Luther
Evangelicals need historical theology, and we neglect it to our peril.
Is Evangelical Monasticism an Option?
Christian antiquity and ancient spirituality are much more often 'hot topics' among evangelicals than at any time in memory.
The World of Saint Patrick
How eagerly we turn men into gods, and especially dead men. Saint Patrick is no exception.
The First Thousand Years
‘The First Thousand Years’ is a genuinely global history.