Sin is the quality of any human action that causes it to fail to glorify the Lord fully, which was first present in the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which has corrupted all people except for Christ, and which leads to death, both bodily and spiritually.
Sin is the failure to keep God’s law and to uphold his righteousness, thus failing to glorify the Lord fully. While there are many different manifestations that sin can take, they are all rooted in the initial disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden. All those who have been born afterwards, other than Jesus Christ, have been born into sin and cannot escape the guilt and punishment that sin incurs apart from the freedom found in Christ. God did not create sin or the suffering which sin brings into the world, but God is sovereign over his world and provides a way to be reconciled to him, faith in his Messiah, Jesus.
What is Sin?
Sin is rejecting or ignoring God in the world he created, rebelling against him by living without reference to him, not being or doing what he requires in his law—resulting in our death and the disintegration of all creation.
5 Loopholes We Use to Excuse Sin
We’re better at these games than we think.
What to Do When a Memory of Sin Paralyzes You
Our problem is not that we look back, but that we don’t look all the way back.
You Are Not Your Child’s Sin
Her statement caught me off guard—I’d never heard those words in 14 years of parenting. My eyes filled with tears, and a pent-up dam was released.
Blessed Are Those Who Mourn (Their Sin)
Imagine the implications of this verse.
Book Reviews
Don’t Be Embarrassed by the Doctrine of Sin
Christians embarrassed about the doctrine of sin have lost their ability to explain what’s wrong with the world.
Adam, the Fall, and Original Sin
Evangelical scholars spanning several disciplines have delivered a robust restatement of the historicity of Adam.