Faith in the Workplace

Learn How the Local Church Can Support and Equip Believers for Their Careers

In partnership with Biola University

Course Introduction

About the Course

The average working person spends over one-third of his or her waking hours on the job. How much does that matter in the grand scheme of God’s plan? Is work simply a means of providing for one’s family? Are the people committed to “full-time ministry” as pastors and missionaries the true “workers” in God’s eyes, while those in the marketplace are simply those who finance the real work through their giving? In this course, curated from talks hosted by Biola University, you will see the high value God places on all work and learn how the local church can help support and equip the numerous men and women who do work for God through their respective careers.

A Theology of Work

What does the Bible teach us about work? In this lesson, Dr. Scott Rae describes a theology of work, refusing the divide between ministry and the workplace, and demonstrating that the workplace is a critical sphere of life in which ministry takes place.

The Worth of Work

What is work worth to God? In this lesson, Helen Mitchell describes the high value God places on all of the work we perform.

Finding God in Business

How can we find God in the business world? In this lesson, Dr. Dallas Willard teaches that business is a primary arrangement by God for people to love and serve each other.

Related Video

A Businessman’s View of Work as Ministry

How can businesspeople view their work as ministry for God? In this lesson, Bill Pollard describes how he ministered through his role as CEO.

Equipping Workplace Ministers in Your Church

What can the local church do to support workers so that they live out their professions as ministry for God? In this final lesson, Helen Mitchell describes best practices for churches of any size that can help equip working professionals as Kingdom ministers.

For Further Training

For further training on the topic of faith in the workplace, Biola University is pleased to present an online course entitled God and Your Work. This course will help further your understanding of faith, vocation, and your profession. You may find this course on Biola LEARN, Biola’s online platform for personal and professional development.