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Rev. Dr. William Edgar (DThéol, Université de Genève) holds the John Boyer Chair of Evangelism and Culture and is professor of apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary. He is also associate professor at the Faculté Jean Calvin.
Dr. Edgar’s primary teaching and research interest is apologetics. He has spent much of his career developing and applying the tradition of covenantal apologetics stemming from the pioneering work of Cornelius Van Til to several specific research interests. These include cultural studies, the art of persuasion, Huguenot history, African American music and culture, Islam, nineteenth century French Protestant apologetics, medical ethics, the question of theodicy, and aesthetics.
On music, consider beginning with a recent study on Johannes Brahms’ sacred choral music, “Why Is Light Given to the Miserable?” in It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God, or consider his course Music and Christian Aesthetics, also available online from Westminster. Dr. Edgar also runs a jazz band which specializes in Gospel music. His group travels around the globe, helping to bring the Gospel through song to university students. Consider beginning with his popular concert presentation Heaven in a Nightclub, a compelling history of jazz alternating between lecture and piano performance.