“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold” (Prov. 3:13–14).
Knowledge, education, research, science—they all provide some pretty great things. But in our age of technological wonder, it’s easy to forget that information is about more than just what it can do for us.
Knowledge is a gift and, like all gifts from God, it points us outside of ourselves. It helps us be more so that we can flourish, not just survive. It also helps us to serve more people more fully, to steward our gifts more faithfully. Our God-given insights help us discover new medicines, new means to feed more people, better ways to care for the world.
But knowledge alone is insufficient. We need wisdom, too. And when faced with God’s glory and our humanity, when we learn to fear the Lord, this is the beginning of wisdom (Ps. 111:10).
So we can plumb the depths of God’s mysteries in the world, the mysteries of his creation, without fear. We can build institutions of education, of research, of exploration, in the full confidence that what we learn will not contradict our faith, but will speak of his abundant majesty and grace. We can explore, that we may be more, that we may serve more, that we may know and love God more, that we may wonder at his magnificence.